Ce guide de présentation pratique est illustré de 247 photos couleur. Il mentionne succinctement la nature du faciès maladif, le nom commun de la maladie et les organes végétaux sur lesquels le champignon a été identifié. Il est destiné à l'enseignement supérieur, aux chercheurs et agents des services de la Protection des végétaux et des organismes professionnels.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the computerized core monitoring techniques currently employed at pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) nuclear power plants. It also offers a brief overview of the corresponding techniques at research and materials testing reactors.
The book combines detailed descriptions of the theoretical background and fundamental underlying principles as well as the practical applications of core surveillance. It not only provides numerous industrial examples to illustrate how complex computerized systems are able to support the safe operation of nuclear reactors, but also outlines some new application areas that were made possible only by state-of-the-art computing resources.
Thanks to its practical approach, it serves as a valuable and practical reference book for readers interested in the surveillance of nuclear reactors, ranging from undergraduate and postgraduate students to researchers and experts working at research reactors and nuclear power plants, as well as at nuclear regulatory authorities.
Native Cultural Competency in Mainstream Schooling
Sharon Vegh Williams, Joni M. Cole
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 17 Octobre 2017
- 9783319677958
This book provides an in-depth analysis of Native American educational issues in the Northeast and highlights teacher training and instruction that address the experience and needs of the many Native students that attend reservation border town schools. Williams and Cole expand upon the results of a participatory action study that explored the barriers to success for Native American students in mainstream schooling during the process of creating and implementing a Native cultural competency teacher-training program for classroom teachers. They document the evolution of cross-cultural relationships and interactions in a diverse schooling context and aim to usher in concrete changes in school experiences and educational outcomes for Native American students by fostering non-Native teachers' growth in cultural competency.
Le prochain, nouage et denouage de la jouissance
Vegh Isidoro
- Eres
- Point hors ligne
- 1 Décembre 2012
- 9782749222523
« Le prochain est l'imminence intolérable de la jouissance » a dit Lacan, Isodoro Vegh s'attache à débroussailler ce concept. Au terme d'un itinéraire où il croise la littérature, la philosophie, la théologie, le prochain apparaît comme un nouage susceptible d'aider le sujet à se constituer, à se rencontrer avec la dimension de son être et à trouver un meilleur destin pour ses jouissances. Isidoro Vegh est psychanalyste à Buenos Aires.