Rebecca Zanetti
23 produits trouvés
Mère célibataire et scientifique accomplie, Cara est habituée à se battre pour se faire respecter. Une chose compte par-dessus tout pour elle : protéger sa fille, Jane, et pour cela elle est prête à tout. Y compris épouser un inconnu dangereux et désagréable ? Certes, le mystérieux Talen lui promet que sa seule ambition est de protéger Cara et Jane. Mais il prétend également être un vampire vieux de plus de trois siècles. Cela dit, étant donné la façon dont le simple contact de ses mains suffit à faire frémir Cara de désir, il est bien possible qu'il dise la vérité...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly « Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Adare est un soldat dans l'âme, dur et solitaire, mais pourvu d'un sens de l'honneur et du devoir à toute épreuve. Il n'hésite pas une seconde à sauver une humaine aux dons spéciaux en s'unissant à elle avec une morsure et une marque. Il n'y a pas de place dans sa vie pour une fragile humaine, et leurs chemins se séparent bientôt. Pourtant, il ne parvient pas à oublier Grace après sa disparition. Et lorsqu'il apprend qu'elle est en danger, rien ne l'empêchera de se lancer à sa poursuite... Car la vie de Grace ne tient peut-être qu'à la force de leur union..« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Emma est généticienne et croit avant tout à la science. Mais elle est aussi dotée de pouvoirs psychiques, et quand un vampire l'arrache aux griffes des cruels Kurjans, elle comprend qu'il est l'homme qui hante ses rêves depuis longtemps. Dage a attendu plus de trois cents ans pour rencontrer son âme soeur, aussi il n'est pas près de la laisser lui échapper. Lorsqu'une nouvelle maladie menace de frapper les compagnes des vampires, il fera tout pour la protéger, même s'il lui faut pour cela tourner le dos aux siens.« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Zane est un guerrier endurci, habitué à la solitude. Mais Janie a exercé une fascination irrésistible sur lui depuis l'instant où ils se sont rencontrés dans ses rêves. La confiance qu'elle lui a toujours accordée est mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'il l'enlève et la retient dans un lieu isolé, pour lui raconter enfin comment il s'est retrouvé dans le mauvais camp. Alors qu'ils se découvrent pour la première fois en chair et en os, l'attraction entre eux devient trop forte pour qu'ils y résistent...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Depuis des années, Haven est hantée par d'étranges rêves au cours desquels un séduisant étranger lui apparaît, en proie à de terribles tourments. Et les visions de Haven semblent si réelles, au point qu'il lui semble pouvoir lui parler et le toucher... Quade est prêt à basculer dans la folie, et seule ses visions d'une femme au coeur généreux l'aident à tenir le choc. Lorsqu'il parvient enfin à se libérer, il se retrouve seul et désorienté dans un monde qu'il ne reconnaît plus. Une seule chose compte alors pour lui : retrouver Haven, et la protéger contre le monstre qui les traque tous les deux.« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Ronan s'est sacrifié pour détruire le mal ultime. Il aurait dû mourir... et non réapparaître des siècles plus tard dans un monde moderne où les vampires taisent leur existence, où la menace posée par l'ennemi est plus réelle que jamais, et surtout, où la femme qui hante ses rêves depuis toujours détient un pouvoir dont elle ignore tout. Faith est une femme de science, pourtant sa rencontre avec un vampire en chair et en os met toutes ses théories à l'épreuve. Car Ronan est dévoré par une faim qu'elle seule peut assouvir - à condition qu'ils survivent au mal qui les traque...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Ivar a survécu aux pires affres de l'enfer, grâce à son sang de vampire, de démon et de Viking. Mais l'expérience l'a brisé. Il ne vit plus que pour une seule chose ; sauver le frère vampire qui a sacrifié sa liberté pour lui. Pour cela, Ivar doit faire appel à une scientifique de renom. Promise pensait avoir compris le fonctionnement de l'univers, mais la révélation de l'existence des vampires bouleverse tout. En montrant à Ivar comment voyager entre les mondes, elle n'imaginait pas que ce frisson de plaisir puisse devenir le centre de sa vie...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Autrefois plein d'humour et de légèreté, Jase a souffert lors de sa captivité aux mains des démons. Ses frères ne reconnaissent plus l'étranger sombre et tourmenté qu'il est devenu. Bien qu'il soit à présent libre, il est hanté par l'idée que les démons ont fait de lui une bombe à retardement pour sa famille. Quand son roi lui demande de s'unir à l'une de leurs alliées afin de lui sauver la vie, Jase accepte à contrecoeur, persuadé qu'il ne peut que lui transmettre sa part de ténèbres. Pourtant, leur union sera peut-être la seule chose capable de sauver Jase et Brenna de leurs démons...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Moira est une sorcière en physique quantique - manipuler l'espace et le temps est pour elle un jeu d'enfant. Ce qui peut conduire à des situations embarrassantes... Comme lorsque son amant d'un soir, cent ans plus tôt, réapparaît pour réclamer son aide dans la guerre qu'il prépare. Conn a patienté un siècle avant de pouvoir retrouver celle qu'il a su être sa compagne dès le premier instant, sans jamais réussir à l'oublier. Pas question qu'elle lui échappe, à présent...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Amber est un esprit libre qui aime sa vie chaotique et ne sait rien du monde surnaturel ou des pouvoirs qui sommeillent en elle. Elle n'a aucune intention de se lier à un vampire sexy et autoritaire. Mais Kane est convaincu qu'elle seule peut retrouver son frère, disparu depuis de longues années au cours de la guerre entre vampires et démons. Il est décidé à ne pas la laisser lui échapper, même s'il lui faut pour cela s'unir à elle. Malgré toutes leurs différences, lorsque le vampire intransigeant et l'humaine rebelle joignent enfin leurs forces, les étincelles ne tardent pas à voler...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Engagée pour se débarrasser d'un démon-vampire, Mercy ne peut se résoudre à tuer sa cible et décide de l'enlever. Malheureusement pour elle, sa pitié est mal placée... Logan est le plus jeunes des frères Kyllwood et il a fait de la violence un art de vivre. À présent sur le point d'entreprendre un rituel terrifiant et douloureux afin de devenir l'un des Sept, dédié à la protection du monde, il voit ses plans contrecarrés par le chantage d'une fae, une demande de rançon, et le désir irrésistible qui l'a saisi dès le premier instant où il a aperçu sa ravisseuse...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book BlogPour public averti
ebook (ePub) 5.99 €Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.Katie est la meilleure dans son domaine - à savoir l'élimination des loups-garous. Douée d'une détermination à toute épreuve qui l'aide à affronter même les situations les plus hostiles, jamais elle n'a abandonné une mission, et jamais elle n'a échoué. Jusqu'au jour où elle doit tout risquer pour le seul homme qu'elle a aimé - un homme sur le point de perdre son humanité. Jordan a consacré sa vie à protéger son peuple d'un virus mortel, mais une seconde d'inattention suffit à faire basculer son destin. Une seule chose peut encore le sauver : que celle qu'il a choisie lui abandonne son coeur et son corps...« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 25 Juin 2024
- 9781035417872
For fans of Scarlett St Clair and Sarah J Maas, New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti explores the forbidden and the taboo in this twist on Beauty and the Beast - the first in a seductive new dark romance series set in a world where information is power, and those who control the flow of information live like gods...
'Sexy and utterly engrossing!' J.T. Geissinger
'Zanetti launches a new series with this shadowy and violent twist on "Beauty and the Beast" that will appeal to readers looking for a uniquely magical world filled with seduction and betrayal' Library Journal
Anyone can be swallowed by the darkest of shadows . . .
Alana Beaumont is the sole heir to Aquarius Social - but with the company under attack from an unseen enemy, her father decides to marry her off to a rival family in the hopes of securing an alliance, leaving Alana torn between her family duty and her thirst for revenge as her wedding day approaches.
But, following an unsuccessful assassination attempt, the wedding becomes the least of her concerns when she comes face to face with her rescuer: Thorn Beathach, owner of the rival business empire driving Aquarius under . . . and now her kidnapper.
Known as the richest and most ruthless of them all, Thorn protects his realm with an iron fist, and no one sees his face. Until Alana.
Convinced that she is only safe with him, Thorn wants to keep her in his enchanted castle forever, but she's not the docile beauty he expects, and he's not the only one who will find pleasure in their arrangement . . .ebook (ePub) 0.99 €Lethal Lies is the second book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's breathtaking romantic suspense series, Blood Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
A deadly secret can't stay buried forever...
Revenge. It's the only thing that helps Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars. But she can't do it alone.
Private investigator Heath Jones's job is to bring the bad guys to justice. He knew the Copper Killer's latest victim so when her sister asks for help, he's all in.
But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath's identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, long-buried secrets are coming to light - and the forces determined to destroy Heath are watching, waiting to exact their own revenge by any means necessary...
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Blood Brothers and Sin Brothers series. And for thrilling passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling, Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 3.99 €Twisted Truths: Blood Brothers Book 3
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 14 Novembre 2017
- 9781472244697
Twisted Truths is the third book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's breathtaking romantic suspense series, Blood Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
Noni is desperate. Her infant niece has been kidnapped, and the only person who can save her is a private detective with too many secrets to count - and more enemies than he can name. A man who walked away from Noni without any warning a year ago and broke her heart. But with Talia's life on the line, Noni won't take no for an answer...
The moment Denver Jones sees Noni, the memories come rushing back. The fire in her eyes. The determination in her voice. The danger of having her in his life. Denver had to push her away once, but now with vicious criminals threatening Noni and her niece, he'll do whatever it takes to protect them. But enemies from his past are circling, and they'll use anything - and anyone - to get to Denver.
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Blood Brothers and Sin Brothers series. And for thrilling passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling, Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 3.99 €Forgotten Sins: Sin Brothers Book 1 (A heartstopping, addictive thriller)
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 8 Décembre 2016
- 9781472244703
Forgotten Sins is the first book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's thrilling romantic suspense series, Sin Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
His secrets can destroy her... But her love can save him... From the moment Josie laid eyes on sexy, mysterious Shane Dean, she was in love. Their desire ignited a passionate affair, and within weeks, Shane had slipped a ring on her finger. It seemed her every fantasy was coming true...until her new husband disappeared without a trace. Now, two years and one broken heart later, Josie is shocked when the hospital calls: Shane has been a crime scene with no memory of how he got there.
Shane can't remember the blue-eyed angel at his bedside - or who he even is - but he knows something isn't right. His hearing is razor sharp, his physical strength incredible, and the urge to protect Josie overwhelming. For powerful enemies are hunting him, and Josie is the key to discovering why. As Shane struggles to unravel his past, dangerous new truths come to light. Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And can Josie trust a man she thought she knew - one who carries such a deadly secret?
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Sin Brothers series and the spin-off series, Blood Brothers: Deadly Silence, Lethal Lies and Twisted Truths.
And for breathtaking passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling and Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 4.49 €Sweet Revenge: Sin Brothers Book 2 (An addictive, page-turning thriller)
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 8 Décembre 2016
- 9781472244710
Sweet Revenge is the second book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's thrilling romantic suspense series, Sin Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
The one man she can't have... The one woman he can't resist... Matt Dean was born to fight...and kill. A member of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be the perfect soldiers with an expiration date. Now, with time running out, he's gone rogue in a relentless quest for the one person who can save them. His mission leads him to Charmed, Idaho...and to a beautiful woman with eyes like emeralds and a body made for pleasure.
Laney Jacobs knows the mysterious, handsome stranger is trouble from the moment he walks into her bar, looking for a job. She's spent years running from her own past - the last thing she needs is a romantic entanglement. But Matt's strong arms offer her protection, and his gentle touch promises passion unlike anything she's ever known. As lethal forces surround them, revealing explosive secrets about Matt's past and putting everything - and everyone - he holds dear in danger, can he save them all before time runs out?
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Sin Brothers series and the spin-off series, Blood Brothers: Deadly Silence, Lethal Lies and Twisted Truths.
And for breathtaking passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling and Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 3.99 €Total Surrender: Sin Brothers Book 4 (A suspenseful, compelling thriller)
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 8 Décembre 2016
- 9781472244727
Total Surrender is the fourth book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's thrilling romantic suspense series, Sin Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
A fight he must win... A passion she can't resist... Piper Oliver knows she can't trust him. They warned her that the tall, dark, and sexy black-ops soldier Jory Dean would try to win her over with his steel-gray eyes and deadly charm, but she won't be conned by this man they call a traitor. All she has to do is figure out the science necessary to save his life, and she's done. Something isn't adding up, though, and she won't rest until she uncovers the truth - even if it's buried in his deep, dangerous kiss.
Jory will do anything to reunite with and save his brothers - even kidnap the gorgeous woman who's working to deactivate the deadly chip in their spines. But the forces determined to destroy his family won't let them go so easily. Keeping Piper alive is more than he bargained for - and so is his burning desire for her. But with every second bringing him closer to certain death, can he afford to lose himself in her hot and willing embrace?
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Sin Brothers series and the spin-off series, Blood Brothers: Deadly Silence, Lethal Lies and Twisted Truths.
And for breathtaking passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling and Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 4.49 €Blind Faith: Sin Brothers Book 3 (A gripping, addictive thriller)
Rebecca Zanetti
- Headline Eternal
- 8 Décembre 2016
- 9781472244734
Blind Faith is the third book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's thrilling romantic suspense series, Sin Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
A betrayal he couldn't forget... A love she couldn't deny... For Nate Dean, love is a four-letter word. As part of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be ruthless soldiers with an expiration date. They were loyal only to one another...until Nate laid eyes on the woman who stole his heart and blew his world apart. Now, years later, his family is still paying the price for his mistake. But as time runs out, there's only one person who can save his family: the very woman Nate swore he'd never trust again.
The moment Audrey Madison spies Nate across a crowded ballroom, she can barely breathe. He's just as undeniably sexy as she remembers, yet there's an edge to him now that's as irresistible as it is dangerous. When he asks for her help, Audrey can't refuse. But she has secrets of her own - secrets that, if Nate ever discovers them, may cost them both their lives...
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Sin Brothers series and the spin-off series, Blood Brothers: Deadly Silence, Lethal Lies and Twisted Truths.
And for breathtaking passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling and Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 3.99 €'This dark, post-apocalyptic tale is a testament to the power of hope and love against all odds' Romantic Times
It's a dangerous race for survival in the aftermath of a deadly bacteria spreading across the globe. Can love still shine in the darkness?
Before Scorpius, Tace Justice was a good ole Texas cowboy who served his country. After surviving the bacterium, the world became dark, dangerous, and deadly - and so did he. The Vanguard medic is stronger, faster and smarter than before, but he's losing the line between right and wrong. His passion is absolute, and when he focuses it on one woman, there's no turning back for either of them . . .
Sami Steel has been fighting to survive alongside Tace, convincing the Vanguard soldiers she's one of them. In truth, Sami is a former hacker turned government agent who worked at The Bunker, where scientists stored both contaminants and cures - and she never wants to go back. Yet when sexual fire explodes between her and Tace, she'll face even that hell again to save him.
'Thrilling post-apocalyptic romance at its dark, sizzling best!' Lara Adrian
For more thrilling passion played out against the dangerous race for survival, look for all the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series:
Mercury Striking
Shadow Falling
Justice Ascending
Storm Gathering
Winter Igniting
Knight Awakeningebook (ePub) 4.49 €Deadly Silence is the first book in New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti's breathtaking romantic suspense series, Blood Brothers, that will be loved by fans of Karen Rose, Kylie Brant, Elaine Levine, Maya Banks's KGI series and Lisa Jackson.
Run for your life... And don't look back.
Paralegal Zara Remington is in over her head. Helping out a friend has put not only her job but her life in jeopardy. Zara needs help from someone she can trust - she just doesn't expect it to be the mysterious PI who recently appeared in her life.
Ryker Jones has problems of his own, including recovering from his investigative agency's recent brutal loss of a client. He wants to keep Zara at arm's length - and protect her from the reality of what he's running from.
But when danger arrives on Zara's doorstep, Ryker can't walk away. He might be the only one who can save her - if his deadly past doesn't catch up with them first...
For more addictive romantic suspense look out for the rest of the titles in the Blood Brothers and Sin Brothers series. And for thrilling passion played out against a dangerous race for survival, look for the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series: Mercury Striking, Shadow Falling, Justice Ascending.ebook (ePub) 3.99 €'This dark, post-apocalyptic tale is a testament to the power of hope and love against all odds' Romantic Times
It's a dangerous race for survival in the aftermath of a deadly bacteria spreading across the globe. And danger has never looked quite so delicious...
Before the Scorpius Syndrome tore through North America and nearly wiped out the population, Vivienne Kennedy was the FBI's best profiler. The bacteria got her anyway. But she survived. She recovered. And when she woke up from a drug-nightmare of captivity, her skills as a hunter of men had gone from merely brilliant to full-on uncanny. Her mysterious rescuer wants her to put them to the test. But no matter how tempting he is, with his angel's eyes and devil's tongue, Vinnie knows she shouldn't trust him.
'Thrilling post-apocalyptic romance at its dark, sizzling best!' Lara Adrian
For more thrilling passion played out against the dangerous race for survival, look for all the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series:
Mercury Striking
Shadow Falling
Justice Ascending
Storm Gathering
Winter Igniting
Knight Awakeningebook (ePub) 4.49 €'This dark, post-apocalyptic tale is a testament to the power of hope and love against all odds' Romantic Times
It's a dangerous race for survival in the aftermath of a deadly bacteria spreading across the globe.
One man protects the weak and leads the strong and every hope rests on him...
With nothing but rumors to lead her, Lynne Harmony has trekked across a nightmare landscape to find one man - a mysterious, damaged legend who protects the weak and leads the strong. He's more than muscle and firepower - and in post-plague L.A., he's her only hope. As the one woman who could cure the disease, Lynne is the single most volatile - and vulnerable - creature in this new and ruthless world. But face to face with Jax Mercury, danger has never looked quite so delicious...
'Thrilling post-apocalyptic romance at its dark, sizzling best!' Lara Adrian
For more thrilling passion played out against the dangerous race for survival, look for all the titles in The Scorpius Syndrome series:
Mercury Striking
Shadow Falling
Justice Ascending
Storm Gathering
Winter Igniting
Knight Awakeningebook (ePub) 4.49 €Un article a été ajouté à votre panier.