- Springer (14)
- Wiley-Blackwell (14)
- Palgrave Macmillan (9)
- Wiley (5)
- Wiley-VCH (5)
- Springer VS (3)
- Flammarion (2)
- Jossey-Bass (2)
- Albin Michel (1)
- For Dummies (1)
- Little, Brown Book Group (1)
- Nevicata (1)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Polity (1)
- SAGE Publications Ltd (1)
- Wiley-Scrivener (1)
David Roberts
En 1965, quatre jeunes étudiants de Harvard se lancent à l'assaut du spectaculaire mont Huntington, décrit comme le joyau caché de l'Alaska et l'une des plus belles montagnes au monde. Leur objectif est de tenter ce qui paraissait jusqu'alors impossible car beaucoup trop dangereux : gravir une véritable grande paroi en Alaska. La Montagne de ma peur est le récit de cette ascension par l'un des quatre membres de l'expédition. Mais il raconte aussi comment une aventure merveilleuse peut soudainement basculer dans la tragédie et le désespoir par la disparition d'un de ses membres.
Paru en 1969, La Montagne de ma peur est le premier livre de David Roberts. Il s'y révèle un superbe écrivain, subtil et d'une honnêteté sans faille, qui tente de comprendre ce qui pousse des hommes à gravir des montagnes, parfois au péril de leur vie.
David Roberts (1951-2021) est un écrivain et alpiniste américain originaire du Colorado. Il est l'un des très rares alpinistes de haut niveau à être considéré comme un grand écrivain - et inversement. Professeur de littérature à l'université, auteur d'exploits remarqués en montagne, il a eu une influence considérable sur la littérature de montagne. « La Montagne de ma peur » est considéré comme son meilleur livre. -
Nous étions libres comme le vent : de Cochise à Geronimo, une histoire des guerres apaches
David Roberts
- Albin Michel
- Terre Indienne
- 1 Février 2022
- 9782226472762
Au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, le territoire couvert aujourd'hui par le Nouveau-Mexique, l'Arizona et le Nord du Mexique fut le théâtre d'une tragédie marquée par la violence, la perfidie et la cruauté. Dans cette lutte sans merci, les chefs apaches n'auront de cesse de défendre leur patrie, alors que leurs ennemis n'aspirent qu'à leur mort, leur déportation ou leur parcage sur des réserves. Peu de chefs indiens auront exercé une aussi grande fascination que les figures désormais légendaires de Cochise et Géronimo. Sous la plume de David Roberts, écrivain et journaliste, cette histoire des guerres apaches devient une véritable épopée. II nous donne à lire une immense fresque épique, remarquablement construite et mise en scène, qui porte un regard particulier sur le rapport entre des cultures différentes et sur les peuples qui combattent pour leur liberté.
Since its 1967 production of Vanbrugh's The Relapse, the Royal Shakespeare Company has been the world's leading producer of Restoration Comedies. This book is the first to document and critique the company's history of engagement with that repertoire. It reviews the spaces in which productions have been performed, design principles, casting, voicing, textual adaptation, musical direction, actor perspectives, and the problems of how to confront, adopt or depart from received notions of Restoration style. It goes on to posit that, for all the RSC's explorations of Restoration Comedy, the company has maintained the repertoire as a fringe interest played out in niche spaces, while recycling many of the assumptions it claims to challenge, and that what is needed is the writer-led intervention seen in RSC and National Theatre adaptations of French drama from the same period. Only then can Restoration Comedy begin to engage wider audiences in new sites of political, historical andcultural meaning.
Bombay, années 70.
"Il m'a fallu du temps et presque le tour du monde pour apprendre ce que je sais de l'amour et du destin, et des choix que nous faisons, mais le coeur de tout cela m'a été révélé en un instant, alors que j'étais enchaîné à un mur et torturé."
Tels sont les premiers mots de Lin, le narrateur, homme en cavale qui, un faux passeport en poche, s'est évadé d'une prison australienne de haute sécurité pour atterrir dans les rues fourmillantes de la capitale économique indienne où il espère disparaître. En compagnie de son guide et fidèle ami, Prabaker, il pénètre le monde secret de la «ville dorée», où se côtoient prostituées et religieux, soldats et acteurs, mendiants et gangsters. Fugitif sans foyer, famille, ou identité, Lin cherche inlassablement à donner un sens à sa vie, d'abord en improvisant une clinique dans un bidonville, puis à l'échec de celle-ci en faisant ses premières armes dans la mafia de Bombay. Cette quête le conduira jusqu'à la guerre, à la prison et ses tortures, au meurtre, et à une série de trahisons sanglantes. Puis à la rédemption, enfin. Les clés du mystère et des intrigues qui entravent Lin se trouvent entre les mains de deux personnes : son mentor, Khader Khan, parrain de la mafia, à la fois criminel, saint et philosophe, mais aussi et surtout Karla, femme mystérieuse, belle et dangereuse dont Lin tombe follement amoureux. De l'incendie du bidonville aux hôtels cinq étoiles, de la guerre des gangs aux films de Bollywood, des gourous spirituels aux guérillas des moudjahiddin, ce roman épique et foisonnant nous plonge dans une Inde fascinante et marque l'entrée en littérature d'une voix extraordinaire. -
L'ombre de la montagne
Gregory david Roberts
- Flammarion
- Hors collection
- 25 Janvier 2017
- 9782080207142
Avec Shantaram, des millions de lecteurs découvraient l'incroyable épopée de Lin, fugitif australien devenu faussaire de passeports pour la mafia de Bombay. Deux années ont passé et Lin a perdu l'être le plus cher à son coeur : Karla, l'amour de sa vie, désormais mariée à un magnat de la presse. Dans L'Ombre de la montagne, Lin est plus que jamais impliqué dans le monde noir et survolté de la pègre qui vacille alors qu'une nouvelle guerre des gangs fait rage. Bombay, ville aux mille visages, devient alors le miroir de son âme tourmentée.
Cow-boy philosophe au grand coeur, Lin nous entraîne sur sa bécane dans une virée endiablée, aux côtés de tous les petits et grands malfrats qui peuplent l'univers de Gregory D. Roberts. -
The first glimpse of the sea on Marine Drive filled my heart, if not my head. I turned away from the red shadow. I stopped thinking of that pyramid of killers, and Sanjay's improvidence. I stopped thinking about my own part in the madness. And I rode, with my friends, into the end of everything.
Shantaram introduced millions of readers to a cast of unforgettable characters through Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. In The Mountain Shadow, the long-awaited sequel, Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules.
It has been two years since the events in Shantaram, and since Lin lost two people he had come to love: his father figure, Khaderbhai, and his soul mate, Karla, married to a handsome Indian media tycoon. Lin returns from a smuggling trip to a city that seems to have changed too much, too soon. Many of his old friends are long gone, the new mafia leadership has become entangled in increasingly violent and dangerous intrigues, and a fabled holy man challenges everything that Lin thought he'd learned about love and life. But Lin can't leave the Island City: Karla, and a fatal promise, won't let him go. -
Gracey's Meat Hygiene
David S. Collins, Robert J. Huey
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 19 Novembre 2014
- 9781118650011
GRACEY'S MEAT HYGIENE Gracey's Meat Hygiene, 11th edition, is the definitive reference for veterinarians working in meat hygiene control. This new edition of a classic text reflects the recent significant changes in science, legislation and practical implementation of meat hygiene controls in the United Kingdom, Europe and worldwide since the 10th edition was published in 1999. This book is an excellent practical guide for teaching food hygiene to veterinary students worldwide, laying the foundations of food animal anatomy, the humane slaughter of animals for food and practical production hygiene. New chapters address the increased concern of operators, inspectors and the public to issues of animal welfare and recognise the role of the profession, and interest from the consumer, in environmental protection. Key features include the following Fully updated new edition, in a refreshed design with colour photographs and illustrations throughout Includes new content on meat hygiene inspection covering the components of an integrated food safety management system as well as animal health and welfare controls in the 'farm to fork' system A practical approach to health and safety in meat processing is outlined by identifying the hazards and then describing how these can be best controlled With contributions from veterinary and industry experts, this edition is both a valuable teaching aid and a practical reference for veterinarians and all food business operators and their staff
Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy
Thomas O. Mccracken, Robert A. Kainer, David Carlson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 31 Mai 2013
- 9781118692110
This new resource provides a basic foundation in small animal anatomy for students of veterinary medicine, animal science, and veterinary technology. Extraordinary accuracy and beautiful original artwork make this a truly unique learning tool that includes the anatomy of all organ systems in the dog, cat, rabbit, rat, and guinea pig - all described in a consistent manner. Learning features include: carefully selected labeling helps students learn and remember structures and relationships; male and female of species are depicted on facing pages so topographic anatomy can be compared; structures common to various animals are labeled several times, whereas unique structures are labeled on one or two species so students can make rapid distinctions of the structures peculiar to certain animals; and an introduction that provides readers with a background in nomenclature and anatomic orientation so they can benefit from the atlas even if they lack training in anatomy.
The Atlas depicts topographic relationships of major organs in a simple, yet technically accurate presentation that's free from extraneous material so that those using the atlas can concentrate on the essential aspects of anatomy. It will be an invaluable resource for veterinary students, teachers and practitioners alike. -
The Human Face of Water Security
Zafar Adeel, David Devlaeminck, Robert Sandford
- Springer
- 9 Mars 2017
- 9783319501611
This volume collects essays from academics and practitioners from a diversity of areas and perspectives in order to discuss water security at various levels and to illuminate the central idea of water security: its focus on the individual. Beginning with the big picture, this book aims to illustrate the depth of the water security crisis and its interconnections with other aspects of societal development. It particularly draws a connection to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and discusses that challenges faced in meeting the 17 sustainability development goals (SDG) by the year 2030. Moving from international to domestic and community perspectives, this book provides a unique analysis of issues and solutions to the water issues we face today in light of the ever looming global changes brought on by climate change. Over the past few decades the recognition of our common need for water has increased, as policymakers have sought to place more focus on the individual within policy. After the recognition of water and sanitation as a fundamental human right by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010, there is increasing recognition of the individual as the building block for the struggle for water security. This reality also intersects with adverse impacts of global climate change, and the book responds to the broader question: will clean and safe water be available where we need it and when we need it in the future?
Normal Binocular Vision
David Stidwill, Robert Fletcher
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 22 Septembre 2017
- 9781119480334
Binocular vision, i.e. where both eyes are used together, is a fundamental component of human sight. It also aids hand-eye co-ordination, and the perception of the self within the environment. Clinical anomalies pose a wide range of problems to the sufferer, but normal binocular operation must first be understood before the eye specialist can assess and treat dysfunctions. This is a major new textbook for students of optometry, orthoptics and ophthalmology, and also of psychology. Chapters span such key topics as binocular summation, fusion, the normal horopter, anatomy of the extra-ocular muscles, oculomotor control, binocular integration and depth perception. Fully illustrated throughout, the book includes self-assessment exercises at the end of each chapter, and sample experiments in binocular vision functioning.
Congenital Heart Diseases: The Broken Heart
Silke Rickert-Sperling, Robert G. Kelly, David J. Driscoll
- Springer
- 18 Décembre 2015
- 9783709118832
This book provides comprehensive insights into congenital heart disease from embryonic development through to clinical features, including human genetics and our current knowledge of the underlying molecular pathways. It is divided into three parts: an introduction to the development of the heart and its vessels, an overview of the molecular pathways affecting the development of various cardiovascular structures, and a main section focusing on the different types of structural and nonstructural congenital heart diseases, including their clinical features, underlying genetic alterations and related animal models and pathways. Taken together these chapters, which were written by and for clinicians and researchers, provide an integrated and cutting-edge resource for all those who want to learn more about both the clinical aspects and the genetic and molecular basis of congenital heart disease.
Practical Transfusion Medicine
Michael F. Murphy, David J. Roberts, Mark H. Yazer
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 7 Mars 2017
- 9781119129424
The fifth edition of this practical textbook on transfusion medicine has been thoroughly revised with the latest in scientific and technological developments and edited by a leading team of international expert haematologists, including new co-editor Mark H. Yazer MD.
A succinct and user-friendly resource of transfusion medicine for clinicians, scientists and trainees with key points, charts and algorithms Discusses practice in blood centres and hospitals including regulatory aspects, transfusion safety, production and storage, donor care, and blood transfusion in a global context Coverage of cellular and tissue therapies and organ transplantation including stem cell collection and haematopoietic stem cell processing and storage Review of the development of the evidence-base for transfusion medicine Content on the clinical practice for transfusion and alternatives to transfusion -
Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas
Michael David Frachetti, Robert N. Spengler Iii
- Springer
- 20 Juillet 2015
- 9783319151380
Mobility and Ancient Society in Asia and the Americas contains contributions by leading international scholars concerning the character, timing, and geography of regional migrations that led to the dispersal of human societies from Inner and northeast Asia to the New World in the Upper Pleistocene (ca. 20,000-15,000 years ago). This volume bridges scholarly traditions from Europe, Central Asia, and North and South America, bringing different perspectives into a common view. The book presents an international overview of an ongoing discussion that is relevant to the ancient history of both Eurasia and the Americas. The content of the chapters provides both geographic and conceptual coverage of main currents in contemporary scholarly research, including case studies from Inner Asia (Kazakhstan), southwest Siberia, northeast Siberia, and North and South America. The chapters consider the trajectories, ecology, and social dynamics of ancient mobility, communication, and adaptation in both Eurasia and the Americas, using diverse methodologies of data recovery ranging from archaeology, historical linguistics, ancient DNA, human osteology, and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Although methodologically diverse, the chapters are each broadly synthetic in nature and present current scholarly views of when, and in which ways, societies from northeast Asia ultimately spread eastward (and southward) into North and South America, and how we might reconstruct the cultures and adaptations related to Paleolithic groups. Ultimately, this book provides a unique synthetic perspective that bridges Asia and the Americas and brings the ancient evidence from both sides of the Bering Strait into common focus.
Investing in E-Health
David H. Gustafson, Patricia Flatley Brennan, Robert P. Hawkins
- Springer
- 9 Août 2007
- 9780387495088
As the Internet's presence in health care grows more pervasive, an increasing number of health care providers have begun to implement eHealth innovations in their practice. The interactive health communication system (IHCS), one such eHealth solution, provides consumers with information, informal support, and a venue for communication. Investing in eHealth: What it Takes to Sustain Consumer Health Informatics examines the evolution of the IHCS and the significant changes in organizational culture and operational systems that may be required for successful and sustained implementation.
This book explores the development of a model (funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in 1998) to predict and explain the degree of success of such implementation efforts. This model allows an institution to benchmark its progress towards IHCS implementation and advises administrators where to invest resources to increase the chance of successful implementation. A set of case studies highlights key features of the model; each study describes an attempt by an organization to implement the Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS), a proven IHCS. After examining the success or failure of each particular implementation, the book suggests steps that could have been taken to address weaknesses identified by the model. Investing in eHealth culminates in a set of general guidelines for any health care provider striving to successfully employ the model, and suggests directions for future research. -
Shallow Clouds, Water Vapor, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity
Robert Pincus, David Winker, Sandrine Bony, Robert Stevens
- Springer
- 29 Mai 2018
- 9783319772738
This volume presents a series of overview articles arising from a workshop exploring the links among shallow clouds, water vapor, circulation, and climate sensitivity. It provides a state-of-the art synthesis of understanding about the coupling of clouds and water vapor to the large-scale circulation. The emphasis is on two phenomena, namely the self-aggregation of deep convection and interactions between low clouds and the large-scale environment, with direct links to the sensitivity of climate to radiative perturbations. Each subject is approached using simulations, observations, and synthesizing theory; particular attention is paid to opportunities offered by new remote-sensing technologies, some still prospective. The collection provides a thorough grounding in topics representing one of the World Climate Research Program's Grand Challenges.
Previously published in Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 38, Issue 6, 2017The aritcles "Observing Convective Aggregation", "An Observational View of Relationships Between Moisture Aggregation, Cloud, and Radiative Heating Profiles", "Implications of Warm Rain in Shallow Cumulus and Congestus Clouds for Large-Scale Circulations", "A Survey of Precipitation-Induced Atmospheric Cold Pools over Oceans and Their Interactions with the Larger-Scale Environment", "Low-Cloud Feedbacks from Cloud-Controlling Factors: A Review", "Mechanisms and Model Diversity of Trade-Wind Shallow Cumulus Cloud Feedbacks: A Review", "Structure and Dynamical Influence of Water Vapor in the Lower Tropical Troposphere", "Emerging Technologies and Synergies for Airborne and Space-Based Measurements of Water Vapor Profiles", "Observational Constraints on Cloud Feedbacks: The Role of Active Satellite Sensors", and "EUREC4A: A Field Campaign to Elucidate the Couplings Between Clouds, Convection and Circulation" are available as open access articles under a CC BY 4.0 license at -
The CSA Exam
Rachel Roberts, David Russell, Simon Ormerod, Rachel Iqbal
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 19 Janvier 2016
- 9781119079170
First Prize in Primary health care in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Written by a team of practising GPs and CSA examiners, in collaboration with the recent CSA Role-Player Lead responsible for training and quality-assuring the work of the simulated patients in the exam, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success is a key resource for trainees and their trainers, in preparing for this component of the MRCGP assessment. Designed to help readers prepare and master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to pass, it focuses on what is truly expected by examiners and demystifies all aspects of the exam.
Giving insight into how candidates and trainers can maximize their potential, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success includes:
o Essential Learning Points, and Hints and Tips on `Getting Started', `The Consultation' and `On the Day'
o Advice on applying an ethical approach to consultations and dealing with possible areas of concern
o A variety of cases, to help practise exam technique and to aid candidates in the creation of their own cases
o A companion website at featuring 18 video clips to accompany the written cases and marking schemes
Taking an approach to preparation which looks at the candidate, simulated patients and the assessment itself, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success provides MRCGP candidates and GP trainers with an invaluable and unique resource for success in the exam. -
Designing and Constructing Instruments for Social Research and Evaluation
David Colton, Robert W. Covert
- Jossey-Bass
- 22 Juin 2015
- 9781119177975
Written in easy-to-understand language, this important text provides a systematic and commonsense approach to developing instruments for data collection and analysis. This book can be used by both those who are developing instruments for the first time and those who want to hone their skills, including students, agency personnel, program managers, and researchers. This book provides a thorough presentation of instrument construction, from conception to development and pre-testing of items, formatting the instrument, administration, and, finally, data management and presentation of the findings. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize how to create an instrument that will produce trustworthy and accurate data. To that end they have included guidelines for reviewing and revising the questionnaire to enhance validity and reliability. They also show how to work effectively with stakeholders such as instruments designers, decision-makers, agency personnel, clients, and raters or respondents.
The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy
David Sherman, Robert Solomon
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9781405143042
The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy is an accessible but sophisticated introduction to the most important figures in Continental philosophy in the last 200 years. Presents a definitive introduction to the core figures and topics of continental philosophy. Contains newly commissioned essays, all of which are written by internationally distinguished scholars. Provides a solid foundation for further study. Subjects include Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx and Marxism, Nietzsche, Husserl and Phenomenology, Heidegger, Sartre, critical theory, Habermas, Gadamer, Foucault, Derrida, postmodernism, and French feminism.
Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior
Robert I Yufit, David Lester
- Wiley
- 17 Novembre 2004
- 9780471684855
Current and comprehensive information concerning the assessment and treatment of suicidal persons and the prevention of suicidal behavior The eighth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause among U.S. teens, suicide is unique in being self-inflicted and is, as such, often preventable. By assessing the risk of suicide accurately, providing effective treatment according to this risk, and implementing strategies against suicidal urges, mental health professionals can successfully guide their clients away from this senseless taking of life. Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior provides the most current and comprehensive source of information, guidelines, and case studies for working with clients at risk of suicide. It offers clinicians, counselors, and other mental health professionals a practical toolbox on three main areas of interest: Screening and Assessment covers empirically based assessment techniques and how they can define dimensions of vulnerability and measure the risk of self-destructive behavior. Authors discuss research on the use of each screening instrument, guidelines and suggestions for using the instrument in practice, and a case study illustrating its application. Intervention and Treatment compares several different approaches for structuring psychotherapy with suicidal clients. Each author covers a psychotherapy system, its application to suicidal clients, and a case study of its real-world use. Suicide and Violence explores the relationship between suicidal individuals and violence, covering suicide in specific contexts such as school violence, police confrontations, and terrorist violence. This section also includes a discussion of the increased risk of suicide in our more insecure and violent world, as well as how topromote coping styles for these new anxieties. While addressed mainly to psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals for use in serving their clients, as well as students of psychology, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior is also an accessible and valuable resource for educators, school counselors, and others in related fields.
Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds
Robert E. Schmidt, Drury R. Reavill, David N. Phalen
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 10 Juillet 2015
- 9781118828229
Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds, Second Edition provides a comprehensive reference to the gross and histologic features of diseases seen in pet and aviary birds, with more than 850 images depicting disease lesions. Provides a complete resource for identifying both common and not-so-common diseases in a wide range of avian species Includes more than 850 full-color images to show disease lesions Offers context for the interpretation of pathologic findings, promoting an understanding of the pathogenesis and epizootiology of disease Adds information on pigeons and chickens, pathophysiology, prognosis and trends, and globally relevant diseases Aids pathologists, diagnosticians, and avian veterinarians in identifying lesions in pet birds
Testing Adhesive Joints
Bamber Blackman, Lucas F.M. Da Silva, David A. Dillard, Robert D. Adams
- Wiley-VCH
- 22 Octobre 2012
- 9783527647040
Joining techniques such as welding, brazing, riveting and screwing are used by industry all over the world on a daily basis. A further
method of joining has also proven to be highly successful: adhesive bonding. Adhesive bonding technology has an extremely broad range
of applications. And it is difficult to imagine a product - in the home, in industry, in transportation, or anywhere else for that matter - that
does not use adhesives or sealants in some manner. The book focuses on the methodology used for fabricating and testing adhesive and bonded joint specimens. The text covers a wide range of test methods that are used in the field of adhesives, providing vital information for dealing with the range of adhesive properties that are of interest to the adhesive community. With contributions from many experts in the field, the entire breadth of industrial laboratory examples, utilizing different best practice techniques are discussed. The core concept of the book is to provide essential information vital for producing and characterizing adhesives and adhesively bonded joints. -
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation
Ferdinand Van Der Heijden, Dick De Ridder, David M. J. Tax, Robert P. Duin
- Wiley
- 10 Juin 2005
- 9780470090145
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation is a practical guide for data analysts and designers of measurement systems and postgraduates students that are interested in advanced measurement systems using MATLAB. 'Prtools' is a powerful MATLAB toolbox for pattern recognition and is written and owned by one of the co-authors, B. Duin of the Delft University of Technology. After an introductory chapter, the book provides the theoretical construction for classification, estimation and state estimation. The book also deals with the skills required to bring the theoretical concepts to practical systems, and how to evaluate these systems. Together with the many examples in the chapters, the book is accompanied by a MATLAB toolbox for pattern recognition and classification. The appendix provides the necessary documentation for this toolbox as well as an overview of the most useful functions from these toolboxes. With its integrated and unified approach to classification, parameter estimation and state estimation, this book is a suitable practical supplement in existing university courses in pattern classification, optimal estimation and data analysis. Covers all contemporary main methods for classification and estimation. Integrated approach to classification, parameter estimation and state estimation Highlights the practical deployment of theoretical issues. Provides a concise and practical approach supported by MATLAB toolbox. Offers exercises at the end of each chapter and numerous worked out examples. PRtools toolbox (MATLAB) and code of worked out examples available from the internet Many examples showing implementations in MATLAB Enables students to practice their skills using a MATLAB environment
The Handbook of Speech Perception
David B. Pisoni, Robert E. Remez
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470756775
The Handbook of Speech Perception is a collection of forward-looking articles that offer a summary of the technical and theoretical accomplishments in this vital area of research on language. Now available in paperback, this uniquely comprehensive companion brings together in one volume the latest research conducted in speech perception Contains original contributions by leading researchers in the field Illustrates technical and theoretical accomplishments and challenges across the field of research and language Adds to a growing understanding of the far-reaching relevance of speech perception in the fields of phonetics, audiology and speech science, cognitive science, experimental psychology, behavioral neuroscience, computer science, and electrical engineering, among others.
Secure your financial future before the next big bubble bursts Aftershock provides a definitive look at the economic climate still ahead in 2015-and beyond-and details the steps you can take now to secure your financial future. Written by the authors who accurately predicted the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, this book serves as both a warning and a game plan for investors looking to avoid catastrophic loss. This updated fourth edition has been expanded with new actionable insights about protection and profits in an increasingly confusing investment environment, and includes the latest data, updated charts and tables, and brand new coverage of monetary stimulus. With a look back at the domino fall of the conjoined real estate, stock, and private debt bubbles that triggered the last major crisis, this book paints a vivid picture of what to expect the next time the world's economy pops. You'll learn how to protect your assets before and during the coming fall, and how to capitalize on the opportunities everyone else is missing. The housing bubble has popped, toppling banks and sending shockwaves of stock market misery around the world. It may seem like the worst is over. It's not. This book shows you what's still to come, and how to ride the crest instead of being sucked under. Learn when, why, and how the global bubble will burst Understand the repercussions that will reach into your accounts Get up to date on the data, with expert analysis and insight Start protecting yourself now with a few smart investment moves The stock market, real estate, consumer spending, private debt, dollar, and government debt bubbles will burst, driving up unemployment, devaluing the dollar, and causing deep global recession. Aftershock helps you fortify your assets before the wave so you can enjoy clear skies after the storm.